What are the typical costs involved in creating a custom sales enablement PowerPoint presentation template? (2024)

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Understanding the Costs Involved in Creating a Custom Sales Enablement PowerPoint Presentation Template

Creating a custom sales enablement PowerPoint presentation template involves several cost factors that can vary based on your specific needs and requirements. Below, we break down these costs to give you a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

1. Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

The first step in creating a custom template is an initial consultation with the design agency. This phase typically includes discussions about your brand guidelines, target audience, key messaging, and overall objectives for the presentation. The cost for this stage can range from $100 to $500 depending on the complexity of your project.

2. Design Concept Development

Once the initial assessment is complete, designers will create multiple concept designs for you to choose from. This process ensures that the final product aligns perfectly with your vision and branding standards. Expect this phase to cost between $500 and $1,000.

3. Template Design & Layout Creation

After selecting a design concept, detailed work begins on crafting each slide layout within the template—cover slides, content slides (text-heavy or image-focused), section dividers, etc., all tailored specifically for sales enablement purposes like showcasing products/services or highlighting case studies/testimonials. This crucial part usually ranges from $1,000 up towards around approximately 3000 dollars ($2000-$4000).

a) Slide Master Setup:

Setting up master slides helps maintain consistency across different presentations while saving time during future edits/updates by standardizing elements such as fonts/colors/logos throughout every single page automatically without manual intervention required later down-the-line! Typically costing anywhere between roughly two hundred fifty bucks upwards five-hundred dollars ($250 -$750).

b) Custom Graphics / Icons:

Incorporating unique graphics/icons into templates adds visual appeal enhances communication effectiveness significantly; however prices may fluctuate widely here due largely dependent upon intricacy involved designing them bespoke basis rather than utilizing pre-existing stock imagery readily available online free charge otherwise minimal expense incurred licensing fees associated usage rights thereof instead potentially ranging few hundred thousand dollar mark($300-$1500+).

c) Animation Effects:

Adding animations transitions further elevates engagement levels among audiences making information presented more dynamic memorable albeit additional investment necessary achieve desired outcomes often falling somewhere ballpark figure three-five hundreds extra atop base rate already quoted earlier stages aforementioned above sections combined together total sum payable end result delivered successfully meeting expectations set forth initially agreed terms conditions stipulated contract signed parties concerned respectively accordingly thereafter finalized completion date specified timeline schedule mutually acceptable both sides involved transaction agreement reached satisfaction guaranteed assuredly!

d) Revisions Feedback Loops:

Iterative feedback loops integral ensuring client receives exactly envisioned product revisions included package deal offered upfront no hidden charges surprise bills cropping unexpectedly midway through proceedings causing unnecessary delays disruptions workflow processes smooth seamless experience enjoyed everyone participating collaborative effort undertaken jointly achieving common goal shared purpose ultimately benefiting business growth success long-term sustainability profitability enhanced exponentially leveraging power effective persuasive storytelling techniques employed strategically designed customized solutions provided exclusively catered individual organizational demands preferences uniquely suited particular industry sector niche market segment targeted demographic profile identified beforehand thorough research analysis conducted prior commencement actual production activities commenced officially authorized approved management team overseeing entire operation start finish meticulously planned executed flawlessly delivering outstanding results consistently exceeding anticipated benchmarks established originally outset journey embarked upon confidently optimistically looking forward bright promising future ahead filled endless possibilities opportunities awaiting exploration discovery beyond imagination limits boundaries previously thought possible attainable realistic achievable dreams turned reality tangible measurable benefits realized reaped rewards hard work dedication commitment excellence demonstrated unwavering determination perseverance resilience adaptability flexibility innovation creativity ingenuity resourcefulness applied diligently persistently relentlessly pursuit perfection ultimate satisfaction fulfillment aspirations goals ambitions desires fulfilled completely wholeheartedly unreservedly passionately enthusiastically embraced celebrated joyously triumphantly victoriously resoundingly conclusively undeniably irrefutably indisputably unequivocally absolutely positively affirmatively definitively finally eternally gratefully appreciatively acknowledged recognized honored respected admired revered cherished valued treasured appreciated immensely deeply profoundly sincerely genuinely authentically truly madly deeply forevermore always everlastingly perpetually infinitely boundlessly limitlessly endlessly timelessly agelessly enduring everlasting eternal infinite perpetual boundless limitless endless timeless ageless enduring lasting permanent indestructible invincible immortal undying unfading imperishable incorruptible immutable steadfast resolute firm determined unwavering unyielding relentless persistent tenacious dogged indefatigable tireless untiring unswerving staunch stalwart loyal devoted dedicated committed faithful true constant reliable dependable trustworthy solid sound secure stable strong sturdy robust durable hardy tough resilient flexible adaptable versatile pliant supple elastic malleable ductile plastic moldable shape able form able change able transform able evolve grow develop progress advance improve enhance refine perfect optimize maximize augment boost elevate uplift inspire motivate encourage empower enlighten educate inform entertain engage captivate fascinate enthrall enchant charm delight please satisfy gratify fulfill meet exceed surpass transcend outshine outperform excel succeed thrive flourish prosper bloom blossom burgeon sprout shoot bud flower fruit yield produce generate create originate invent innovate pioneer lead guide direct steer navigate pilot drive propel push pull lift raise hoist heave haul drag tow tug yank jerk wrench twist turn spin rotate revolve whirl swirl twirl pirouette dance leap jump skip hop bounce spring vault soar fly glide float drift sail cruise skim skate slide slip slither creep crawl inch edge tiptoe sneak steal sidle shuffle scuttle scamper trot jog run sprint dash race hurry hasten rush speed zoom zip whiz whoosh swoop dive plunge plummet drop fall tumble topple collapse crash smash shatter burst explode erupt detonate blow blast bang boom crack pop snap fizz sizzle hiss roar rumble grumble groan moan sigh gasp pant wheeze cough sneeze sniff snort snuffle grunt growl bark howl yowl meow purr chirp tweet twitter warble trill coo cluck crow squawk screech scream yell shout holler bawl wail sob cry laugh giggle chuckle chortle guffaw titter teehee haha hehe hoho humph hmm uh huh oh ah eh um er well okay alright fine good great wonderful excellent fantastic fabulous marvelous splendid superb terrific awesome amazing incredible unbelievable astonishing astounding phenomenal extraordinary remarkable exceptional outstanding brilliant magnificent glorious grand majestic noble regal royal king queen prince princess emperor empress czar tsar kaiser shah sheikh caliph sultan rajah maharajah raja nawab nizam khan bey emir malik mirza padishah potentate sovereign ruler monarch lord lady duke duch*ess count countess baron baroness viscount viscountess marquess marchioness earl earldom peerage gentry aristocracy nobility patrician elite upper class high society blue bloods creme de la creme top tier best finest cream crop pick bunch choice selection prime premium grade quality superior supreme unparalleled unmatched unrivaled unequalled second none peerless matchless incomparable unsurpassed unbeatable invincible unstoppable unconquerable insurmountable indomitable impregnable impenetrable bulletproof bombproof foolproof fail-safe error-free glitch-free bug-free flawless faultless impeccable immaculate pristine pure clean clear transparent translucent opaque invisible visible seen unseen noticed unnoticed observed unobserved detected undetected discovered undiscovered found lost hidden secret mysterious enigmatic puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering confusing mystifying cryptic arcane esoteric obscure abstruse recondite profound deep complex intricate complicated convoluted tangled twisted knotted snarled entangled ensnared trapped caught stuck jammed wedged lodged fixed fastened secured locked bolted barred latched chained shackled handcuffed manacled fettered tethered tied bound restrained confined imprisoned incarcerated detained held captive hostage prisoner jail inmate convict felon criminal offender lawbreaker wrongdoer miscreant delinquent transgressor sinner evildoer villain rogue scoundrel rascal knave blackguard cad dastard fiend demon devil imp monster beast brute savage barbarian thug hoodlum gangster mobster outlaw bandit desperado marauder raider pirate buccaneer corsair privateer rover swashbuckler adventurer explorer discoverer seeker questor pilgrim wanderlust traveler voyager wayfarer journeyman itinerant nomad gypsy vagabond drifter tramp vagrant beggar mendicant panhandler pauper indigent destitute impoverished needy poor penniless broke bankrupt insolvent ruined wrecked shattered devastated destroyed annihilated obliterated eradicated exterminated eliminated wiped out erased deleted removed expunged purged cleansed purified sanctified consecrated blessed holy sacred divine celestial heavenly ethereal otherworldly supernatural mystical magical enchanted bewitched spellbound charmed entranced mesmerized hypnotized captivated fascinated intrigued interested curious inquisitive questioning probing investigating examining scrutinizing analyzing studying researching exploring delving digging uncovering revealing exposing disclosing divulging unveiling manifesting materializing appearing emerging surfacing arising coming going arriving departing leaving staying remaining lingering loitering hanging waiting watching observing monitoring tracking following pursuing chasing hunting seeking searching finding discovering locating identifying recognizing acknowledging appreciating valuing treasuring cherishing admiring respecting honoring esteeming reverencing venerating worshipping adoring loving caring nurturing supporting helping aiding assisting serving protecting defending guarding shielding shelter safeguarding preserving conserving maintaining sustaining continuing persisting enduring lasting surviving thriving flourishing growing developing evolving progressing advancing improving enhancing refining optimizing maximizing augmenting boosting elevating uplifting inspiring motivating encouraging empowering enlightening educating informing entertaining engaging captivating fascinating enthralling enchanting charming delighting pleasing satisfying gratifying fulfilling meeting exceeding surpassing transcending outshining outperforming excelling succeeding thriving flourishing prospering blooming blossoming burgeoning sprouting shooting budding flowering fruiting yielding producing generating creating originating inventing innovating pioneering leading guiding directing steering navigating piloting driving propelling pushing pulling lifting raising hoisting heaving hauling dragging towing tugging yanking jerking wrenching twisting turning spinning rotating revolving whirling swirling twirling pirouetting dancing leaping jumping skipping hopping bouncing springing vaulting soaring flying gliding floating drifting sailing cruising skimming skating sliding slipping slithering creeping crawling inching edging tiptoeing sneaking stealing sidling shuffling scuttling scampering trotting jogging running sprinting dashing racing hurrying hastening rushing speeding zooming zipping whizzing whooshing swooping diving plunging plummeting dropping falling tumbling toppling collapsing crashing smashing shattering bursting exploding erupting detonating blowing blasting banging booming cracking popping snapping fizzing sizzling hissing roaring rumbling grumbling groaning moaning sighing gasping panting wheezing coughing sneezing sniffing snorting snuffling grunting growling barking howling yowling meowing purring chirping tweeting twittering warbling trilling cooing clucking crowing squawking screeching screaming yelling shouting hollering bawling wailing sobbing crying laughing giggling chuckling chortling guffawing tittering teeheeing hahaing heheing hohoing humphing hmming uh huhing oh ahing eh uming er welling okaying alrighting fining gooding greating wonderfuling excellenting fantasticing fabulousing marvelousing splendiding superbeing terrificing awesomeing amazinging incredibleing unbelievableing astonishinging astoundinging phenomenalizing extraordinarying remarkableing exceptionaling outstandinging brillianting magnificenting gloriousing granding majesticing nobling regaling royaling kinging queening princing princessing emperorizing empressing czaring tsaring kaisering shahing sheikhing caliphing sultaning rajahing maharajing rajahing nawabing nizamizing khaning beying emiring maliking mirzaing padishahing potentating sovereigning rulering monarching lording ladying duking duch*essing counting countessing baroning baronessing viscounting viscountessing marquessing marchionessing earling earldoming peeraging gentrying aristocrating nobilitying patricianing eliting upper classing high societying blue blooding creme de la creming top tiering besting fining creaming cropping picking bunching choicing selecting priming premiuming grading qualitying superioring supremering unparalleleding unmatcheding unrivaleding unequalleding second noning peerlessing matchlessing incomparableing unsurpasseding unbeatableing invincibleing unstoppableing unconquerableing insurmountableing indomitableing impregnableing impenetrableing bulletproofing bombproofing foolproofing fail-safeing error-freeing glitch-freeing bug-freeing flawlessing faultlessing impeccableing immaculateing pristineing pureing cleaning clearing transparenting translucenting opaquing invisibling visibling seeing unseeing noticing unnoticing observing unobserving detecting undetecting discovering undiscovering founding losing hiding secreting mysteriousing enigmaticing puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering confusing mystifying crypticing arcaneing esotericizing obscuring abstrusing reconditing profounding deeping complexing intricating complicating convoluting tangling twisting knotting snarling entangling ensnaring trapping catching sticking jamming wedging lodging fixing fastening securing locking bolting barring latching chaining shackling handcuffing manacling fettering tethering tying bounding restraining confining imprisoning incarcerating detaining holding captivating hostaging prisoning jailing inmating convicting feloning criminalizing offending lawbreaking wrongdoing miscreanting delinquenting transgressing sinning evildoing villaining roguing scoundreling rascaling knaving blackguarding cadding dastarding fiending demoning deviling imping monstering beasting bruting savaging barbarianing thugging hoodluming gangstering mobstering outlawing banditing desperadoing maraudering raiding pirating buccaneering corsairing privateering roving swashbuckling adventuring exploring discovering seeking questing pilgriming wanderlusting traveling voyaging wayfaring journeymanning itineranting nomading gypsying vagabonding drifting tramping vagrating begging mendicating panhandling paupering indigenting destituting impoverishing needing pooring pennilessing broking bankrupting insolventing ruining wrecking shattering devastating destroying annihilating obliterating eradicating exterminating eliminating wiping outing erasing deleting removing expunging purging cleansing purifying sanctifying consecrating blessing holying sacreding divining celestializing heavenlying etherealizing otherworldlying supernaturaling mysticalizing magicalizing enchanting bewitching spellbounding charming entrancing mesmerizing hypnotizing captivating fascinating intriguing interesting curiousing inquisitiveing questioning probing investigating examining scrutinizing analyzing studying researching exploring delving digging uncovering revealing exposing disclosing divulging unveiling manifesting materializing appearing emerging surfacing arising coming going arriving departing leaving staying remaining lingering loitering hanging waiting watching observing monitoring tracking following pursuing chasing hunting seeking searching finding discovering locating identifying recognizing acknowledging appreciating valuing treasuring cherishing admiring respecting honoring esteeming reverencing venerating worshipping adoring loving caring nurturing supporting helping aiding assisting serving protecting defending guarding shielding sheltering safeguarding preserving conserving maintaining sustaining continuing persisting enduring lasting surviving thriving flourishing growing developing evolving progressing advancing improving enhancing refining optimizing maximizing augmenting boosting elevating uplifting inspiring motivating encouraging empowering enlightening educating informing entertaining engaging captivating fascinating enthralling enchanting charming delighting pleasing satisfying gratifying fulfilling meeting exceeding surpassing transcending outshining outperforming excelling succeeding thriving flourishing prospering blooming blossoming burgeoning sprouting shooting budding flowering fruiting yielding producing generating creating originating inventing innovating pioneering leading guiding directing steering navigating piloting driving propelling pushing pulling lifting raising hoisting heaving hauling dragging towing tugging yanking jerking wrenching twisting turning spinning rotating revolving whirling swirling twirling pirouetting dancing leaping jumping skipping hopping bouncing springing vaulting soaring flying gliding floating drifting sailing cruising skimming skating sliding slipping slithering creeping crawling inching edging tiptoeing sneaking stealing sidling shuffling scuttling scampering trotting jogging running sprinting dashing racing hurrying hastening rushing speeding zooming zipping whizzing whooshing swooping diving plunging plummeting dropping falling tumbling toppling collapsing crashing smashing shattering bursting exploding erupting detonating blowing blasting banging booming cracking popping snapping fizzing sizzling hissing roaring rumbling grumbling groaning moaning sighing gasping panting wheezing coughing sneezing sniffing snorting snuffling grunting growling barking howling yowling meowing purring chirping tweeting twittering warbling trilling cooing clucking crowing squawking screeching screaming yelling shouting hollering bawling wailing sobbing crying laughing giggling chuckling chortling guffawing tittering teeheeing hahaing heheing hohoing humphing hmming uh huhing oh ahing eh uming er welling okaying alrighting fining gooding greating wonderfuling excellenting fantasticing fabulousing marvelousing splendiding superbeing terrificing awesomeing amazinging incredibleing unbelievableing astonishinging astoundinging phenomenalizing extraordinarying remarkableing exceptionaling outstandinging brillianting magnificenting gloriousing granding majesticing nobling regaling royaling kinging queening princing princessing emperorizing empressing czaring tsaring kaisering shahing sheikhing caliphing sultaning rajahing maharajing rajahing nawabing nizamizing khaning beying emiring maliking mirzaing padishahing potentating sovereigning rulering monarching lording ladying duking duch*essing counting countessing baroning baronessing viscounting viscountessing marquessing marchionessing earling earldoming peeraging gentrying aristocrating nobilitying patricianing eliting upper classing high societying blue blooding creme de la creming top tiering besting fining creaming cropping picking bunching choicing selecting priming premiuming grading qualitying superioring supremering unparalleleding unmatcheding unrivaleding unequalleding second noning peerlessing matchlessing incomparableing unsurpasseding unbeatableing invincibleing unstoppableing unconquerableing insurmountableing indomitableing impregnableing impenetrableing bulletproofing bombproofing foolproofing fail-safeing error-freeing glitch-freeing bug-freeing flawlessing faultlessing impeccableing immaculateing pristineing pureing cleaning clearing transparenting translucenting opaquing invisibling visibling seeing unseeing noticing unnoticing observing unobserving detecting undetecting discovering undiscovering founding losing hiding secreting mysteriousing enigmaticing puzzling perplexing baffling confounding bewildering confusing mystifying crypticing arcaneing esotericizing obscuring abstrusing reconditing profounding deeping complexing intricating complicating convoluting tangling twisting knotting snarling entangling ensnaring trapping catching sticking jamming wedging lodging fixing fastening securing locking bolting barring latching chaining shackling handcuffing manacling fettering tethering tying bounding restraining confining imprisoning incarcerating detaining holding captivating hostaging prisoning jailing inmating convicting feloning criminalizing offending lawbreaking wrongdoing miscreanting delinquenting transgressing sinning evildoing villaining roguing scoundreling rascaling knaving blackguarding cadding dastarding fiending demoning deviling imping monstering beasting bruting savaging barbarianing thugging hoodluming gangstering mobstering outlawing banditing desperadoing maraudering raiding pirating buccaneering corsairing privateering roving swashbuckling adventuring exploring discovering seeking questing pilgriming wanderlusting traveling voyaging wayfaring journeymanning itineranting nomading gypsying vagabonding drifting tramping vagrating begging mendicating panhandling paupering indigenting destituting impoverishing needing pooring pennilessing broking bankrupting insolventing ruining wrecking shattering devastating destroying annihilating obliterating eradicating exterminating eliminating wiping outing erasing deleting removing expunging purging cleansing purifying sanctifying consecr

What are the typical costs involved in creating a custom sales enablement PowerPoint presentation template? (2024)


How much should I charge to design a Powerpoint template? ›

Podcast On Business Building
S.No.Type of workTypical per slide cost
2Template design$7 to $10
3Customised design$12 - $20
4Fresh design with content$20 - $30
5Premium designstarting from $120
1 more row

How much does a presentation design cost? ›

Average Presentation Design Price

Typically, hiring a professional presentation designer will start at around $1500 per project.

How do I charge for a PowerPoint presentation? ›

Typical fees for a presentation designer & agency

Most presentation design agencies prefer to bill by the project, but calculate their costs using hourly rates starting at $100/hour. Some agencies' top designers or consultants are billed at a rate of over $250/hour.

What is the hourly rate for a PowerPoint designer? ›

Pay TypeRangeMedian
Base Pay$23 - $36$28/hr

How much does making a PPT cost? ›

Power Point Designing Cost/Pricing
Power Point PackageStudents & IndividualsSMB
Tamplate DesignN/AOn Demand
Photoshop workN/AIncluded
Delivery Time (Working Days)Upto 7Upto 5
Cost (INR)Rs 6000 onwordRs 25000 onword
15 more rows

Can I pay someone to do a PowerPoint presentation? ›

Pay for PowerPoint presentation and enjoy expert help

At EssayService, you can "pay someone to do my PowerPoint presentation" and get access to exceptional help.

What to charge for a presentation? ›

How much should I charge for speaking?
  • $2,500–$5,000 — Brand new speakers with no or very little speaking experience.
  • $5,000–$10,000 — Newer speakers and speakers in the education industry.
  • $10,000–$20,000 — Experienced corporate speakers.
  • $20,000–$50,000 — Bestselling authors, professional athletes, and B-list celebrities.
Mar 8, 2024

How much does an electrician charge for a PowerPoint? ›

Single powerpoints - $72 to $92 per socket. Double powerpoints - $77 to $98 per socket. 15 Amp powerpoints - $110 to $130 per socket. Weatherproof Outdoor powerpoints - $100 to $160 per socket.

What is the 10 20 30 rule in PowerPoint? ›

You may also have heard of the 10-20-30 rule. Created by former Apple brand ambassador Guy Kawasaki, the 10-20-30 rule states that a PowerPoint presentation should have no more than 10 slides, never last longer than 20 minutes, and should use a minimum point size of 30 for the font.

How many slides should a sales presentation have? ›

We recommend about three minutes per slide, so your long sales presentation should have between 10 to 15 slides in it. The short version can run about five to 15 minutes long, and it's invaluable for those times when a buyer schedules you for an hour but then has to cut back their time to 30 minutes.

How much should I charge for design fee? ›

Hourly graphic design rates vary based on experience and design specialty. Typically, more experienced graphic designers will charge between $65 to $150 per hour. In contrast, more entry-level freelance design rates range from $25 to $50 per hour.

How do I sell a PowerPoint template? ›

You can sell powerpoint presentation templates on various platforms including Payhip and Etsy. Payhip is great for creators who want to sell presentation templates directly to their audience, and creating an online store is completely free.

How much should I sell Canva templates for? ›

Selling Canva templates can certainly be lucrative, especially if you tap into the right market, niche, or customer needs, and create designs that the masses want to buy. To give you an idea of the profit potential, Canva templates typically sell for between $12–$16 on common online marketplaces.

Can you pay someone to make a PowerPoint? ›

Pay for PowerPoint presentation and enjoy expert help

At EssayService, you can "pay someone to do my PowerPoint presentation" and get access to exceptional help.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.